16:52 | 0 | EMportal, ANA
In numbers it is translated to 832.975 households or 2.186.869 people whose income is not over the poverty line, specifically their annual income is not over 6.480 per person and 13.608 for households comprised of two adults and two dependant children.
16:53 | 0 | ANA
The board of the Gasoline Station Owners Federation decided on Monday night to call for a 24-hour closure of gasoline stations next Thursday, March 18.
16:55 17:01 | 0 | ANA
The Greek prime minister stressed that he briefed the US president on his and other European leaders's initiative such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarcozy and eurozone president Jean Claude Juncker that aims at confronting profiteers and restoring
16:56 | 0 | ANA
U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano on Tuesday announced the designation of Greece as a member of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP)-strengthening passenger information sharing and ensuring strict security standards while streamlining travel for Greek
10:03 | 0 | Dnevnik
Bulgarian subsidiaries of Greek banks are definitely not transferring liquidity to their parents, Dimiter Kostov, deputy governor of the Bulgarian central bank, told reporter on Tuesday on the sidelines of a capital market forum.
10:05 | 0 | Croatian Times
Eighteen percent of indebted households in Croatia cannot pay back their loans and still have the minimum needed for survival, according to the the Croatian National Bank (HNB).
10:08 | 0 | EMportal
Reacting to the measures announced by the Greek government, employees are staging new strikes and demonstrations.
10:10 | 0 | ANA
Government crews are carrying out inspections to avert illicit profiteering following repeated and unjustifiable rises in fuel prices in the last days.
10:12 | 0 | MIA
Lowering of excise and customs taxes will contribute to the increase of import of new and used vehicles in FYRMacedonia, said Customs Administration (CA) director Vanco Kargov.
10:13 | 0 | Hotnews.ro
Turkish businessmen plan to double their investments in Romania in the next two years to 8 billion euro, President of the Turkish Business Association Omer Susli declared.
10:56 | 0 | Hotnews.ro
Dacia will officially launch its SUV Duster on march 18 in the presence of French driver Alain Prost, who drove the competition Duster model at the Andros trophy.