WikiLeaks publishes 822 secret documents on Albania
30. November 2010. | 06:21
Source: Alsat
Referring to the 822 secret files published in the American website, which mention the name of Albania, historian Sabri Godo thinks that this is the moment where we can finally learn the truth about 1997.
WikiLeaks is shocking the world, but it will help Albania in finding the truth on the influences that its neighbors have had in its domestic and foreign policy.
Referring to the 822 secret files published in the American website, which mention the name of Albania, historian Sabri Godo thinks that this is the moment where we can finally learn the truth about 1997.
“I am convinced for one thing… during that time, we had for sure foreign intervention. Things were not organized only from the inside. Nobody could have given the events of ’96 such a great importance if it was not for foreign support. But the details on how this was made possible are not yet clear. Nevertheless, they belong to the past and they should not have any influence in the actual relations. But of course, we should take notes,” said historian Sabri Godo.
When asked about a clear American influence when rejecting the Sea Border Agreement with Greece, Godo said that “I would not be surprised by an indirect American influence. This is related to general strategic interests and to the policy that is followed by a certain country. In any case, America has supported our interests. This will provoke a debate, which will include the entire world. I consider it as a beneficial thing and maybe the governments will face difficulties because those who don’t know the past are destined to repeat their mistakes.”
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03. December 2010. 22:18:32
| Ime
eshte koha qe e gjithe kombi SHQIPTAR te mesoje te verteten por une per nje gje jam mese i sigurt qe ne ngjart e 1997 GREQIA ka pasur shume ndikim per te mos thene qe mendoj se eshte ajo qe e organizoi gjihte ate rremoje sepse greget nuk na duan neve pavarsisht se cfare hiqen neper media.
03. December 2010. 22:18:32
| Ime
wikileaks nuk po nxjerr asgje te re, vete populli duhet te behet i ndergjejshem per te shikuar se cfare eshte duke ndodhur. dhe te reagoje ne menyren me te drejte
kur njerzit nuk i hapin syte per te pare se cfare eshte duke ndodhur, patjeter qe gjithcka qe do te lexojme nga wiki.. do te na duket dicka sekrete dicka qe nuk e dinim por............
03. December 2010. 22:18:32
| Ime
Me mire nje te vertete te hidhur sesa nje genjeshter te embel!
03. December 2010. 22:18:32
| Ime
Po kjo qe thohet seshte sekret kjo esht then e eshte ster-then nga Bashkim Gazidede Drejtor i sherbimeve sekrete te asaj kohe, po sarrij ta kuptoj se pse per keto çeshtje pyetet Sabri Godo kur e dim mir se ai do ta shiste SHqiperin me lir se sa mori JUda per Krishtin .
04. December 2010. 08:21:50
| pershendetje
ju falenderoi per mundesin qe na ipet per te dhen nji mendi shqiperia historikisht ka vuaitur ne dreitim te vendit se gjithmon asht tradhetuar nga fraksione te brendshme dhe te influencuar nga jasht vendit per destabilizim per te ardhur ne pushtet ose qellime te tjera se po pat kundershtar te keti vendi asht e maita shqiptare se ne momente vendimtare bani shum levizje negative ne disvavorr te vendit dhe vetem per te shpetuar edi ramen qe mos ta leshoi partin keta jan katila te ktine vendi dhe ata te 97 edhe sot i nxjerrin dhamt ne parlamen qe ata sduet te ekzistoin si njerz...............fare
02. January 2011. 04:43:43
| Ime
Is good to know ,butt where can I FIND ALL THE 822 secret files about Albania. Any help is appreciated.